2025 Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA) College Admissions Trends

Learn about the increasingly competitive landscape of college admissions trends in 2025. Some questions this addresses are: What early trends are we seeing in acceptances for the Class of 2025? Which trends from recent years remain, and what is changing this year?  What do we predict for regular decision (spring) outcomes?  How does the test optional movement and some colleges’ return to requiring test scores affect admissions moving forward? What will happen with SAT and ACT test requirements in the future? 

What To Do With Your ED/EA Outcomes

It’s the best thing EVER when you are admitted to your Early Decision school. You are done with applications (except in some cases) and ready to attend your dream school next year. Similarly, Early Action results present you with admissions decisions before the regular decision pool of applicants so that you can begin to breathe a bit easier and start narrowing your focus. But if you are deferred or denied, you have some decisions to make.

Interviews and Video Introductions for College Admissions

The vast majority of colleges and universities in the US do not interview students; however, for those that do, the purpose, focus, and timing can vary greatly, depending on the school. This blog covers how to prepare for interviews with highly selective colleges, and also discusses the growing trend of video introductions in the college application process.

Lessons Learned from a College Admissions Coach

I gained some new insights this year that I want to share with all of you. Let’s start with a high GPA is more important than AP courses for most students. My number one mistake with my oldest was holding him to a high level of academic rigor in subjects that weren’t his strength. It took me too long to realize that, and his grades early in high school suffered as a result. While Yale, Cal Tech, and Haverford will want to see the highest rigor in courses across the board (along with As), not every school will, and getting Cs and Ds instead of As and Bs will make life much harder for the college applicant.